The rise of a "CONFIDENT" race
Till the dawn of the last century the world was known as White and Black, until the Yellow and the Brown worked overtime in their bedrooms(not particularly, Dining Rooms and Kitchen floors have become a debated favorite these days) to ensure that they held claim to a majority the coveted numbers. Today, the Chinese hold claim to 1.3 Billion living human beings on the planet and "WE" are closely on their heels with 1.1 Billion. Not bad I must say, considering the fact we have a tag that reads loud...."Morally Orthodox Republic" of India. Now, the Chinese have always been a bold and rather brash race without a great deal of Creativity. "WE" have been the race who loved to sit and glorify their heydays. Aryabhatta created the ZERO, Indus Valley was the Manhattan of the Bronze Age, The large rock on the Queen's crown...well, that belonged to us too. A rather pompous PAST has always been our PRESENT. What we were never called was Confident. There have been ...